Thursday, February 12, 2015

Changing Faces

Of all the fortune cookies I've had and the fortunes contained in them, the one that remains with me after all these years is one that said "God Gives You One Face And You Make Yourselves Another". When I first read that one, I was floored. It spoke volumes to the levels that people will go to to make themselves look good, and not just physically. It's Oscar season and highly paid actors will receive the coveted golden trophy for their fictional portrayals of various characters; if you ask me, the treasured trophies should go to the every day Joes and Janes we deal with in our daily lives. People flex and front for others just to impress or deceive. But, as one of my favorite ole school songs says, "Time Will Reveal". It all eventually comes out, either in the wash or in the rinse. Sooner or later, the mask will drop and the real you will be shown. And then, I show you the door...

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