Monday, September 24, 2012


Since I have been (newly) single, I have noticed an interesting trend when it comes to the men (and I use the term loosely) that I encounter. Quite an interesting cast of characters:

“The Weather Vane”: This one couldn’t make up his mind who and what he wanted. Some days, he’s all over me, texting and calling; others, he disappears and can’t be found. Turns out that during his last disappearing act, he was with his ex. He finally called and told me that for a couple of months, he and his ex had been trying to work things out. Hmmm, glad you finally told me.

“Mr. Static Cling”: With this one I learned not to fall for the pretty eyes. I messed up and gave him my phone number, and instantly regretted it. He called constantly, and was just entirely too clingy. I love an attentive man, but this was just ridiculous.

“Ancient One-Track Mind”: This fella is almost 50 year old and has the mentality of a teenage cave-dweller. Instead of asking me to lunch, he’s asking me to a hotel room. He assumed that because I had a new vehicle, that I had to have a man and the man got it for me. Every time he sees me he eyeballs me up and down like I’m the last piece of naked chicken on the plate, and he even had the nerve to ask me if we could sit in my vehicle (that I couldn’t have gotten without a man, according to him) and let him…how can I put this…breastfeed (I won’t even tell you his exact words). Really dude?

“Mr. Sad Case”: Late 40’s/early 50’s. Unemployed. No income. No house. No car. Drinks and is rumored to be on drugs. Seriously? No thank you.

I spent 15 years of my life with a man who was a wonderful God-send. He was educated, intelligent, ambitious, and driven. Tall, handsome, and confident. Funny, sexy, and attentive. Spiritual, sensitive, and thoughtful. God called him home last year, and now I am single again. Now, I’m not perfect, but I am a Queen who deserves a King. And I refuse to settle. Alone does not mean desperate. I know there is a man out there with all the qualities I look for. I’ll be right here, waiting patiently. That is all.


Unknown said...

Good read!! Didn't know you do i :)

MzNetteC said...

Hi Roschelle. Thanks so much, glad to meet you!