sn: no, no car accident. I’m on a rant again, please bear with me…
So I was just sitting here thinking about things, about my life and things I’ve been through, and where I am now, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. I’ve been observing people for a minute now, and I started to think and reflect, on how people treat others, how they react to situations, how they carry themselves, and so forth. Which leads me to a question:
I’m serious. I know people that are mean, petty, selfish, angry, and treat others like crap, all because they’re still mad over stuff that happened to them 30 or 40 years ago. Now, I’m not really trying to point fingers, because I was guilty of the same kind of thing for a long time, still holding on to pain and stuff in my past. It took me way too long, to finally face my issues and start letting go. I’m talking stuff that happened when I was like 8 years old, and I turned 42 in October (I know, I look good don’t I? lol). Anyway, I had to realize something: No- freaking- body on this earth is perfect. No parent, no sibling, no child, absolutely NOBODY. So why carry all that anger and stress around for decades over something that an imperfect human being did? They have to answer for it at Judgment. Let that crap go!
Also, know this, beyond a shadow of a doubt: no situation, no circumstance, no trial, no tragedy, nothing that happens to you, defines who you are. If a fly lands on your face, it doesn’t make you a frog. The fly is just doing what it does. Swipe it away and keep moving. Just because this person walked up and touched you, doesn’t mean you asked for it, doesn’t mean you like them, it just means that that person can’t control themselves. Don’t take on their issues. Let it go! For your own sake. Stop leaning on that crutch. All it’s doing is draining your strength and eating away at you inside.
I hate when people say, they are the way they are because of what so-and-so did to them. Please stop. You’re doing what you want to do, and using that convenient circumstance as a crutch/excuse. Be what and who you are, just because that’s who and what you are, nothing more. But stop with the excuses and the blame game. You’re going to be an eaten-up, bitter old shell of a being, holding on to pain and anger and grudges from decades ago.
It’s high time to have a Head On Collision with your demons from the past. Look yourself in the mirror, face yourself and your issues head-on, and crash full force into them. Then dismiss them. Life will be so much better when you do.